For those that know me, I've made two "doomish" predictions in my time, and neither happened, so I'm not going to do that anymore. But don't forget we're living in a totally new reality at this very moment. Before TARP, would you have listened to ANYBODY who suggested the US government may provide bailouts to the tune of 700 billion dollars? No, you would have laughed them off. But that is the world we live in now. Old Chinese saying (or is it a curse) "May you live in interesting times." We'll we got that one covered. Another one: "Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up, where we are headed." That's the one that really keeps me up at night.
Shit is starting to happen faster now, and everybody knows shit rolls downhill. That's why us little guys better get ready for the coming shitstorm.
If you live in Pennsylvania be sure to read this and take the time to read the comments as well.
Lotta talk about Greece these days.
China has been talking a lot about dumping US paper. It's not talk anymore.
China is also talking about revaluing the Yuan. (this means it's going to cost us more $$$ to buy from China; how do you think that will affect our economy?)
Did you hear how at the beginning of December North Korea pulled a "shock" 100:1 currency revaluation?
Think it can't happen here? Think again. And in today's world I think it's only a matter of time until some new huge pile of bullshit is shoved down our throats. That's why I advocate cash on hand (so you can hurry up and spend it on real goods if you get a heads up) That's why I advocate holding gold, silver, hell any metal, anything that is tangible and has intrinsic value. It's the only way I see being able to protect yourself.
Did you know that in Weimar Germany people burned cash (paper money) for heat because it had been devalued so severely it was worth more as a heat source than as money. But there is a story of an old woman who had a bathtub full of coins that got through it just fine. (I can't find any links supporting this right now and it's possible this is bs lol)
Poor old Argentina, going through an out and out collapse in 2001, more recently has given us a nice example of how metal coinage can increase in value while an economy is in shambles.
See this is the crap that happens in a fiat money system, every single time. The word fiat encompasses two ideas. One that means the government rules by decree; let it be done. And the other that it takes the faith of the ruled people for these systems to remain viable. Modern money is simply magicked into existence. How much faith do you put into that system? And for the record the US has been officially a full fiat currency since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971. So we've made it 39 years. Will we see the system turn 40? I dunno. I can't say I have faith that it will, lol.
Not that I think a gold or silver standard would fix anything. The gold standard was manipulated as hell. And that's the trouble with so many of our systems these days - they are beholden to the monied power brokers in our society, not to the average Joe. Our monetary system is completely jacked up, and your average Joe has no idea about any of it. And that's how the controllers want it. Fiat would work great IFF (if and only if) the people charged with managing the monetary system were some freak combination of Mother Theresa and Albert Einstein.
Do you realize America's debt is now mathematically un-repayable?
Did you know a new law, making it illegal to withdraw from your money market account in a time of emergency has been proposed?
How would you like your 401k to be turned into an annuity with the stroke of a pen?
So how are YOU preparing for the global debt bomb explosion?
Folks, this is what a collapsing global socio-economic model looks like. I hope you realize that and begin taking appropriate steps, because the masters of the world are creating a giant shit sandwich we're all gonna have to take a bite of.