Saturday, June 26, 2010

Garden progress

So, here are a few pics of how things are coming.  I'm not happy with most of these pics, so more will come later!

Here's the finished raised beds:

Tomatoes:  Green Zebra, Great White, Plum Yellow, Red Grape, and Moneymaker.

Above you can also see the pepper plants (forget what kind lol)  Danvers half long carrots, Marigolds, and I think I have Tendercrisp celery in there too...

This bed is still sprouting, but the Chioggia beets are doing well, picked one today but it was still pretty small, the broccoli/cauliflower behind it is doing ok...

The Pennsylvania Red Leaf tobacco is doing really well....the radishes in front look...uhm, weird??  I guess that's what it means when a plant bolts to seed....

Here's my modified three sisters garden...  I've got Stowell's Evergreen (white) corn, Broad Windsor Fava beans, Royalty Purple Pod beans, Contender,  Golden Wax, Kentucky Wonder pole beans, and McCaslan pole beans...Gray Zuchinni, White Scallop squash, Crookneck squash, Delikatesse cukes, Lemon cukes, White Wonder cukes, Snow's Fancy pickling cukes, Little Marvel peas, Sugar Snap peas, Sugar Ann snow peas, Casper eggplant, Rotunda Bianca eggplant, Long Purple eggplant, Diamond eggplant, Cream of Saskatchewan watermelon, Charentais melon, Honey Rock melon, and a type of orange watermelon...phew!!!  So, kinda crappy looking now, but I'm hoping in another month this thing will look awesome.

 What I'm trying to accomplish here, is to have the veggies so densely packed, I don't have to do much weeding...I'm leaving the clover (heard that it works well as a live ground cover) so we'll see how well it works out...

And my fairly pathetic looking trees....I'm hoping these guys start perking up...the peach tree is looking the best so far...