Saturday, July 10, 2010

The oil is rounding third and heading for home!

Yesterday tar balls arrived in Crescent City Florida.

Remember this?

Looking pretty accurate.  Oil in Richmond, VA in a week or so anybody??

I hope people are paying attention to this, and acting...  it's going to get real ugly.


  1. I'm paying attention. My poor beach - MS gulf coast - is being inundated this week. Oil showing up in the crab larvae, oil in Lake Ponchatrain, and pictures of fish kills in Slidell.

    Meanwhile, the top story seems to be L. Lohan crying because she has to pull 90 days in the slammer.

  2. I know you're paying attention Mega...and I feel for you brother...nothing but best wishes from me.

    I just hope "regular" people are starting to wise up. I started this dumb blog for two reasons - to feel like I was doing something in the face of impending doom, and to try and wake up my real life friends, and family. To date I haven't gotten one comment, email, phone call about anything I've posted here from them. Which is disheartening, hence, I simply hope they are paying attention, if not to me, to some other outlet that does NOT deal with any issues such as the Lohan thing. lol
